Investor Education Activity - Visiting Listed Company

02 December 2016

On November 26,2016, Lianhetech(Taizhou) Co.,Ltd. welcomed more than 20 Zhejiang investors, who were representatives participating the activity named "Investor Education Activity - Visiting Listed Company" held by the FM95 Zhejiang Broadcasting Economic Channel. Chen Feibiao, Senior VP & Board Secretary, and Huang Hu, Deputy General Manager, welcoming the investors in person. They introduced the history, the competence, the business condition and the future prospects of Lianhetech and answered the questions proposed by the investors. After the meeting, they led the investors on a tour to visit the factory.

Organized by the Zhejiang Broadcasting Station, this activity invited the investors to visit Lianhetech, and showed its importance in constructing mutual understanding between the listed company and the investors, especially the small and medium shareholders whose demands and expectations needs to be heard. All in all, this activity has not only built the bridge between companies and investors, but also further promoted the transparency and openness of the company.

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